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美国威斯康辛州花旗参节圆满收官 迈步共创新机遇
来源:中闻NEWS    发布时间:2023-11-13    点击量:2.1万

2023年11月8日和11月10日,美国威斯康辛州花旗参农业总会(Ginseng Board of Wisconsin,以下简称“GBW”)在广州与香港两地分别举办了一系列精彩纷呈的活动,以此让媒体和消费者充分了解到美国威斯康辛州花旗参产业发展的最新进展,及产品丰富的营养价值。作为本次美国威斯康辛州花旗参节的系列活动,活动形式包括新闻发布会、媒体活动以及营养论坛品鉴会等。美国威斯康辛州花旗参农业总会(GBW)一直致力于研究、教育和拓展海内外市场,提高消费者的健康水平,增强美国威斯康辛州花旗参产业及其相关农业经济的可持续发展。

On November 8 and 10, 2023, the Ginseng Board of Wisconsin (GBW) held a series of exciting activities in Guangzhou and Hong Kong respectively, enabling media and consumers fully understand the latest progress of Wisconsin ginseng industry and its rich nutritional values. This festival includes press conference, media events and tasting. GBW has been committed to researching, educating and expanding domestic and foreign markets, improving the health of consumers, and enhancing the sustainable development of the ginseng industry and related agricultural economy.


在广州新闻发布会及营养论坛品鉴会上,美国驻广州总领事馆农业贸易处农业领事,农贸处处长费纯安女士(Director of USDA Agricultural Trade Office, Guangzhou)致欢迎辞。随后,美国威斯康辛州花旗参农业总会主席Bob Kaldunski先生介绍了美国威斯康辛州花旗参近年来的产业发展情况。

Ms. JonAnn Flemings, Director of USDA Agricultural Trade Office, Guangzhou delivered a welcome speech at the Guangzhou Press Conference and Nutrition Seminar. Subsequently, Mr. Bob Kaldunski, GBW President, introduced the industrial development of Wisconsin ginseng in the US.


(美国威斯康辛州花旗参行业总会主席Bob Kaldunski先生发言)

活动现场,嘉宾们纷纷表达了对美国威斯康辛州花旗参印鉴的浓厚兴趣。美国威斯康辛州花旗参农业总会市场总监,Jackie Fett女士就美国威斯康辛州花旗参印鉴详细介绍了其重要性。她强调,美国威斯康辛州花旗参农业总会(GBW)是美国威斯康辛州花旗参印鉴的创始者和拥有者,该印鉴也是美国威斯康辛州花旗参农业总会(GBW)的注册商标。美国威斯康辛州花旗参印鉴仅适用于那些百分之百来自威斯康辛州种植、生长和收获的花旗参。印鉴能够帮助消费者购买到纯正的威斯康辛州花旗参。她还详细介绍了五家目前获得授权售卖美国威斯康辛州花旗参的企业,其中包括上海仁奕、美国太子行(中国)有限公司、美国裕威参行、采芝林以及华润堂CRCARE。

At the event, the guests expressed their strong interest in the GBW seal. Ms. Jackie Fett, GBW Executive/Marketing Director gave a detailed introduction to the importance of the GBW seal. She emphasized that GBW is the founder and owner of the GBW seal, which is also a registered trademark of GBW. She then explained to the guests the “criteria for selecting seal users and the role of seals”- the GBW seal is only applicable to those ginseng that is 100% cultivated, grown and harvested in Wisconsin. The GBW seal provides consumers with an easy with to confirm the authenticity of Wisconsin Ginseng. She also detailed the five companies that have been authorized to sell Wisconsin Ginseng, including Shanghai Renyi, Prince of Peace, Great Neck, Caizhilin and CRCare.

(美国威斯康辛州花旗参行业总会市场执行总监Jackie Fett女士发言)


美国威斯康辛州花旗参农业总会国际市场营销顾问Lori McGehee女士也在现场分享了GBW未来在中国市场的营销计划。她表示对中国市场寄予厚望,期待与中国市场的深化合作。除此之外,来自美国威斯康辛州的种植者代表Will Hsu先生就“美国威斯康辛州适宜种植花旗参的原因及其种植特点”进行了深入探讨,他强调:“美国威斯康辛州的气候和土壤条件极为有利于花旗参的生长,而严格的农药使用规范确保了其品质。”活动现场更有惊喜嘉宾助阵,第76届Alice in Dairy Land获奖者Ashley Hagenow女士,她从自己的亲身经历与大家分享这个充满活力的美国威斯康辛州花旗参行业,并表示非常乐意与该行业携手共进。

Ms. Lori McGehee, GBW International Marketing Consultant shared the future marketing plan in the Chinese market. She has great expectations for Chinese market and looks forward to deepening cooperation with the Chinese market. In addition, Mr. Will Hsu, President of Hsu’s Ginseng Enterprises, had an in-depth discussion on the reason why American ginseng is suitable for planting in Wisconsin and its planting characteristics”. “The climate and soil conditions in Wisconsin are extremely conducive to the growth of American ginseng. Strict pesticide use practices ensure its quality,” he stressed. The event was accompanied by a surprise guest, Ms. Ashley Hagenow, winner of the 76th Alice in Dairyland, who shared her personal experience with the vibrant ginseng industry in Wisconsin and expressed her pleasure to work with this industry.

(美国威斯康辛州花旗参行业总会国际市场营销顾问Lori McGehee女士发言)

(美国威斯康辛州花旗参种植者代表Will Hsu先生发言)

(美国威斯康辛州农业部代表Ashley Hagenow女士发言)


GBW International Brand Ambassador , Ph.D, L.Ac., Dr. Eric Vandenhouten, attended event and shared the efficacy of American ginseng in traditional Chinese medicine.He mentioned the exploratory research on American ginseng he had conducted previously. He expressed his strong desire to have in-depth discussions and extensive academic exchanges with experts and scholars in the Chinese medical community regarding the application of American ginseng in traditional Chinese medicine.



At the Nutrition Seminar in Guangzhou, nutrition experts Dr. An Haiyan, Associate Professor of School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Southern Medical University, Dr. Shi Jingwei, Chief Chinese Physician of Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou First People's Hospital, detailed the excellence of American ginseng, with a special emphasis on ginsenosides which have a positive effect on the cardiovascular, immune system, nervous system and anti-cancer. American ginseng is also widely used to clear away heat, detoxify and calm. In terms of cooking methods, in addition to the traditional methods like stewing, melt-in-mouth, and brewing, the chef developed a number of dishes with American ginseng on the spot, such as Fried Beef Rice Noodles with Wisconsin Ginseng and Iced Fruit Salad with Wisconsin Ginseng for the guests to taste and feel the unique charm of American ginseng.




The demand for health products in the Chinese market is growing rapidly, and American ginseng attracts attention for its rich nutritional values. In the future, Ginseng Board of Wisconsin will focus on providing high-quality products to meet the needs of the Chinese market, placing emphasis on marketing, brand building and education to ensure the continual growth in the Chinese market, convey its unique value, and become the preferred health supplement trusted by consumers.
